To begin, I'll point out that this blog is in early, early stages. It's my first blog, my first time photographing nails/polishes, and it's bound to start bumpy. But start it will, and continue I must! Of course, any helpful hints tips and advice is welcomed fully.
To learn more about me and my polish, I'll add to the "About Me" page.
To learn who inspired me, I'm going to add a page "Nail Blogs I love". Check those out for some seriously fantastic blogs!
In all honesty, I wanted my first blog to be a food blog, as I spend most of my time cooking or in the kitchen cleaning. Look for my food blog (Lavish Noms) in the future if you are a foodie as well!
As a final, my nails are never going to be very long. I use my hands a lot (fashion design minor, cooking three meals a day, doing dishes constantly, etc) and my nails take the beating most.
To give you an example, I'll post a (totally icky) nail polish free pic of my nails later. But for now, have some images I took with my iPhone of this weeks crazy haul!
These are the ones I just picked up at my local Fred Meyers ( I think that's a west coast store? idk I never see any in Oklahoma) on Monday. Nothing special, from left to right the brands are Milani, Wet n Wild, Color Club, Revlon, Essence, L.A. Splash, and Sinful.
My excuse for those is that I got several As on my tests the previous week. So... I rewarded myself with some excitement xD
Little did I know that in the mail, on its way were these pretties!!
So from left to right that's Hits multichromes, a little bottle of Glitter Gal, the new Finger Paints flakies collection, and some flakies from Hits on the right end.
Not pictured (because they got delayed a day or so) is Color Club's Revvolution and Nubar 2010.
Glorious cuticles batman that's some serious polish!! I couldn't stop squeeing as I opened each wrapping. So very very excited! Also, that's my roomate's legs in the back of the picture. She also got a package but was more interested in the sparklies I was getting ^_^
So I'm already started swatching, but the new pictures will be taken with a point and click, not my iPhone (ick) nor my Canon Rebel XSI (which I left back with my parents.... darn it all).
If you have any comments, feel free to tell me! Or advice on the best way to post pictures to a blog... it took me the better part of a day to get these poopy ones set up D:
<3 and sunshine to all!
-Natural Log