Tuesday, March 6, 2012

(Zoya) Phoebe

You wanna talk about glowy and amazing colors? Let's talk about Zoya "Phoebe", one of their matte colors. Oh. My. Gawsh.
Need I say more?

Tragedy strikes!

Well, strikes my blogging a least D: I've been super sick the last week, and just as I'm getting better and go to the store to get foodlies... My two favorite nails break!! What?!! Whyyyyy!!

Now I have nubs on my swatching hand and I hate it!! I guess it's time to let my Julep Nail Therapy stuff work it's magic.

I was just thinking yesterday that my nails are growing faster, I could already see ridges and I just buffed them the other day.

So it's time to post some nail mail pics and maybe some quickie posts on my favorite products. I got a BUUUNCH of nail mail yesterday- like, more than I was expecting! The mail person was like "oh crap..." and it took him forever to track them all down!

Maybe they should actually be open on Saturdays... Might lighten the load a bit -_- especially since they only tell me about my Friday packages about 5 minutes before they close >_<

Gah! Ok, gotta get ready for chem and possibly eat breakfast, this is my last week of classes so after Friday (if my nails grow out a bit) I'm going to be swatching up a storm!!!

*noms on donuts and gulps coffee*

What? Well, what do you eat for breakfast?

<3 and sunshine, it almost looks like spring around here! *kicks a patch of snow*

Thursday, March 1, 2012

(Zoya) Bevin

I got my first Zoya Monday, and instead of telling you what I think about the company/polish why don't I tell you this little shaming nugget.... I have almost 30 more polishes from them on the way! I LOVE Zoya! I can't believe it took me so long to get some!!! This is the first one I put on, "Bevin" from their 2012 Spring line called "True". When I got it off ebay I had no idea it was a newer color, I was just thinking please let one green polish work with my skin tone!! For the love of polish!!


(NARS) Orgasm

NARS "Orgasm" was one of the first nail polishes I fell in love with!! It is such a gorgeous color!! The minute I saw it months ago I knew I had to have it, and thanks to ebay now I do!!! Eeeeh!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

(ORLY) Galaxy Girl

This is another swatch I did the other day- I seriously need to get caught up! I have a lot of pictures and a lot of drafted posts, but I keep getting nail mail and it distracts me from finishing them! So here is ORLY "Galaxy Girl", a sparkly duochrome I got off of ebay. Unfortunately a lot of my pics were inaccurate or blurry, so here is one from after I added CND "Jade Sparkle" over all but my ring finger. It's also showing a different angle then straight on, so this post is all kinds of messed up! Haha!

(Julep) Charlotte

Julep "Charlotte" is one of the colors I got in my March Julep Maven box and she's so pretty! She's a dusty purple, like a dusty grape color and was opaque in one coat! Amazing!! I didn't even need a topcoat she was so shiny.

Sorry if these pics are a little blurry, like with some blues/purples/reds, the color changed way too much with flash!

Something kind of scary I found out...

I have some cuticle oil laying around that I never use because I LOVE my Julep rollerball one! Thinking I would use them more if they had a different container, I ordered some empty rollerball bottles off of Etsy.

That's when I got to thinking- Self, you are gonna make your own nail polish in a month or two. How cool would it be to make your own cuticle oil as well??

Genius, I thought, and how hard could it be? Get a base oil, add some nice smell and boom! Cuticle oil!

Well, this is when my research uncovered some seriously scary stuff!!

(I look so cute and innocent, but read on to find my scary truths!)