Here's a surprise- it's kind of a duochrome :O wat?!?
(more after the break)
In the bottle, it looks just like it does in the above pick. Pinkish red shimmery glowy goodness! Then I was doing something with the light (probably gazing at my HITs duochromes, how funny) and I was like wait, now it's orange...
Sorry for the blurry shot! I switch to my Canon Rebel XSI now that I got a memory card for it, but it doesn't want to focus that close up =/ maybe I will take the pic further back and just crop up close? Sigh. So complicated.
Ahck! Back to the chrome goodness! I was shocked that there was a duochrome hidden in a NOPI- a NOPI from a Biebster collection nonetheless! Admittedly I don't like Bieber or the Kardashiens (crap I don't even know how to spell their names!) but I like polish, and this polish is SHINY!
I tried to crop up close to show the difference. Yeesh! Firey chrome awesomeness!
I got my OMB! from Freddies at the original price (no sales that time, darn it!) but you can get it from Amazon here
for $8, or wherever you usually get your NOPI. Just look for the display with that kid on it and I think there's a heart shaped glitter there too.
<3 and sunshine all! (even though it's raining here..... ;D)
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