Thursday, March 1, 2012

(NARS) Orgasm

NARS "Orgasm" was one of the first nail polishes I fell in love with!! It is such a gorgeous color!! The minute I saw it months ago I knew I had to have it, and thanks to ebay now I do!!! Eeeeh!
Ok this was 3 coats and a topcoat, like usual, but it goes on pretty thin. I'm probably going to be layering it over another orange creme or something to preserve the glory! Just look at how glowy and shimmery it is!

*angels singing*

Yes. That is a huge and unsightly bandage on my middle finger -_- I was cooking dinner with the BF and right after he pulled the steak pan out of the oven I grabbed it! Yeouch! 415 degrees Fahrenheit leaves quite the mark, so this bandage might show up in more pics. I've since downsized to a band-aid but... sigh.... 

The only problem I have with NARS so far is... their bottles!! It's a small detail but to someone like me (who wants polish caps on properly and is mildly OCD) I CAN'T STAND SQUARE CAPS!!!

YEUCK!!!! >_< The polish is so beautiful and amazing.... and then the cap doesn't sit right!! I have to hide this in my 'special nail polish' box instead of in my drawer because every time I see it I get sad!

Totally worth it though, let's be honest! 

Like I said, I scoured ebay and snagged this baby for under $10. You can too, or you can get it from Amazon here for about $12 I think.

<3 and sunshine!

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