Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tragedy strikes!

Well, strikes my blogging a least D: I've been super sick the last week, and just as I'm getting better and go to the store to get foodlies... My two favorite nails break!! What?!! Whyyyyy!!

Now I have nubs on my swatching hand and I hate it!! I guess it's time to let my Julep Nail Therapy stuff work it's magic.

I was just thinking yesterday that my nails are growing faster, I could already see ridges and I just buffed them the other day.

So it's time to post some nail mail pics and maybe some quickie posts on my favorite products. I got a BUUUNCH of nail mail yesterday- like, more than I was expecting! The mail person was like "oh crap..." and it took him forever to track them all down!

Maybe they should actually be open on Saturdays... Might lighten the load a bit -_- especially since they only tell me about my Friday packages about 5 minutes before they close >_<

Gah! Ok, gotta get ready for chem and possibly eat breakfast, this is my last week of classes so after Friday (if my nails grow out a bit) I'm going to be swatching up a storm!!!

*noms on donuts and gulps coffee*

What? Well, what do you eat for breakfast?

<3 and sunshine, it almost looks like spring around here! *kicks a patch of snow*

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